
What is Practicum?

Practicum consists of hands-on training experience where students or trainees apply what they have learned in a classroom setting to real-world situations. It usually involves working under the supervision of an experienced counsellor or therapist in a clinical or community setting.

During a practicum, students get to interact with clients, conduct sessions, and develop their counselling skills. This experience is crucial for building confidence, learning to handle different cases, and understanding the dynamics of the counselling relationship. Practicum helps prepare students for their future careers by giving them practical experience before they graduate.

Benefits of Practicum

Our Practicum Partners

TSPP is partnered with various practicum sites and room booking services, to generate practicum opportunities and exclusive student discount offers. Our practicum site partners expose students to a range of experiences such as face-to-face and online therapy, rehabilitation work, and working with marginalised groups. If you are keen to find out more, please reach out for a one-on-one consultation with a TSPP consultant.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I start practicum under TSPP?

Students can start practicum once they have completed and received PASS results for their prerequisite modules. To understand which modules to pass for practicum, please check the information in the specific programme of study.

Students must clock a minimum of 150 practicum hours comprising 100 client contact hours, 20 individual supervision hours, and 30 group supervision hours.

  • Client contact hours are calculated from the therapy sessions students conduct with their clients.
  • Individual supervision hours are calculated from the one-on-one supervision sessions students attend with their supervisor.
  • Group supervision hours are calculated from the group supervision sessions students attend with a supervisor and their peers to discuss client cases and gather feedback.

Individual supervision is conducted one-on-one between a student and a supervisor. In individual supervision, students receive the supervisor’s sole focus to run through their client cases as well as ask any questions they may have. 

Group supervision can be conducted in a group of up to 15 students and a supervisor. In group supervision, the supervisor may share some planned content for everyone to discuss. Students can also share their client cases and receive feedback from the supervisor as well as peers. Both types of sessions are incredibly valuable.

TSPP provides a list of supervisors for students to contact directly for individual supervision. Group supervision is arranged by TSPP Practicum every month and students may register to attend. 

List of supervisors provided by TSPP 

  • Dr Lawrence Tan
  • Dr Richard Lim
  • Dr Sunita Rai
  • Mr Gerald Boh
  • Mr Laurence Ho 
  • Mr Stephen Lew 
  • Ms Kavitha Manokaran
  • Ms Mahima Didwania 
  • Ms Tan Ming Chin

Students are allowed to self-source an external supervisor outside of TSPP. The supervisor will need to complete an application form (provided in the practicum handbook) for the school’s approval before students can proceed.

Students may only work with adult clients during practicum, with the exception of students enrolled in the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling (Children and Adolescents) specialisation route, which can allow them to work with children and adolescents during practicum. It is essential to adhere to the professional competencies as outlined in the Singapore Association for Counselling Code of Ethics.

Students can reach out to local counselling centres or mental health agencies to express interest in completing their practicum. Online platforms or community boards may also be used to announce availability for practice sessions, with an emphasis on the supervised nature of the work to build trust with potential clients. Networking with professionals in the field can lead to client referrals and valuable opportunities. 

Students are not allowed to charge clients during practicum. The practicum period focuses on skill development, ethical practice, and supervision. Charging could shift attention to financial concerns and complicate the learning experience; it also raises potential ethical, legal, and financial issues for both students and their clients.

When students commence practicum, they will be given access to a practicum overview deck, practicum handbook, and FAQ sheet that will guide them through the practicum, specific to their programme. 

Students will also be given access to the school’s supervisors, practicum sites, room booking services, practicum and networking opportunities and announcements, as well as practicum tips and readings.

TSPP partners with a list of practicum sites for students to apply and clock their practicum hours with. Admission depends on application and vacancy. 

Students are also allowed to self-source a practicum site. If students are sourcing for their own practicum site, students should email TSPP Practicum for the school’s review and approval.

All face-to-face therapy sessions with clients may be conducted at any of the TSPP room booking service partners which offer students and alumni affordable room rental rates, while online therapy sessions must be conducted on recognised video call platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet or Teams. 

Students are allowed to self-source rooms for therapy sessions. Photos of the room should be emailed to TSPP Practicum for approval. Once approval is granted, students may proceed to use the rooms.

If students secure a practicum site that provides rooms to see their clients, photos of the room should be emailed to TSPP Practicum for approval. Once approval is granted, students may proceed to use the rooms.

Professional associations that accredit psychotherapy and counselling programmes include:

  • International Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (ICIP)
  • Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors Singapore (APACS)
  • Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC)

Please visit our course pages to understand which programmes are accredited by any of the above associations.