Highest Education Qualification
ITE Higher Nitec
ITE Nitec
GCE N Levels
GCE O Levels
GCE A Levels
Diploma (Private Education Institutions)
Diploma (Polytechnic)
Diploma (WSQ)
Graduate Diploma
Bachelor's degree
Doctoral Degree
Masters Degree
Postgraduate Diploma
Others (please indicate in remarks)
Courses Interested (*Please hold Shift key to select more than one option)
Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology
Diploma in Child Psychology and Interventions
Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology
Graduate Diploma in Coaching Psychology
Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Professional Diploma in Psychotherapy
Postgraduate Diploma in Positive Organisational Psychology and Leadership
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling (Children and Adolescents)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling (Wellbeing Interventions)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Psychological Interventions
Certificate in Abnormal Psychology
Certificate in Addictions and Interventions
Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology
Certificate in Character Strengths Application
Certificate in Childhood and Adolescent Disorders
Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Certificate in Counselling
Certificate in Developmental Psychology
Certificate in Family and Marital Counselling
Certificate in Group Counselling
Certificate in Introduction to Art Therapy
Certificate in Introduction to Play Therapy
Certificate in Play and Art Therapy
Certificate in Psychology
Certificate in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Certificate in Resilience and Coping Strategies
Certificate in Solution Focused Brief Therapy
Certificate in Special Needs Education
Certificate in Working with Children and Adolescents
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