Strategies To Support Your Child’s Emotional Regulation: Online Talk + Preview

Strategies To Support Your Child’s Emotional Regulation: Online Talk + Preview
Children can have clinical depression and anxiety, as well other psychological conditions. But how can parents and educators spot telltale signs, as well as help to support a child’s emotional dysregulation?
Sometimes, children may present worrying symptoms such as continuous feelings of hopelessness, uncontrollable worries, or being out of control during outbursts. They may use the toilet often, be tense and fidgety, or have physical complaints such as headaches that don’t respond to treatment.
These signs ought to be examined, especially if a child’s normal daily functioning, including relationships and activities within the family or at school are beginning to be disrupted.
In this talk by Principal Psychologist Bernice Lim, learn communication skills, and how parents and educators can support a child during difficult moments. Due to their lack of cognitive development, children need adults’ guidance in identifying their needs and appropriately expressing their emotions.
Apart from seeking professional help, parents and educators can help young ones develop self awareness and learn what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Discover how to build rapport with children, teach them self-regulation techniques, as well as tips to set boundaries and structure for them.
At this Child Psychology talk:
  1. Learn to identify the symptoms of a child’s mood disorders
  2. Understand the impact of emotional dysregulation
  3. Discover ways to provide better emotional support for children
The talk will be followed by the Course Preview of Child Psychology programmes.
What is the online course preview about?
This is an opportunity for anyone interested in TSPP’s courses to learn more about the course structure, career pathways and entry requirements.
After a presentation by our consultant, attendees will be able to participate in a Q&A session, and learn more about admissions procedures.
29 Jun 2022, Wed
Online Zoom event:
After registration, participants will be sent a link to join the talk and preview.
Child Psychology Courses:
About the Speaker: Bernice Lim
Event - Bernice Lim
Bernice Lim
Bernice is the founder and director of Asia Psychology Centre, a private psychological practice based in Paragon Medical. As its principal psychologist, she engages with clients and patients aged 8 to adulthood in therapy. Her focus and clinical interests include emotion regulation (anxiety, depression, anger, etc), stress management, parenting and relationship issues. Her corporate experience as a psychologist who has worked with C-suite level executives has also made her an established vocational coach with a passion for helping clients with career transition, communication and motivational issues at work.
Bernice strongly believes that the needs of each client are unique, and tailors her therapy approach to suit each client for maximum therapeutic effectiveness. She employs a blend of cognitive-behavioural, mindfulness and emotion-focused interventions in accordance to her client’s needs.
Work in the therapy room aside, Bernice also conducts talks, workshops, and webinars on various topics related to mental health and wellness. Audience and participants have included the general public, as well as various corporate organizations (Microsoft, Julius Baer, Munich Re, Cummins, Dow Chemical, HPI, Vodafone, Coca Cola etc) and government-related bodies (LTA, HPB, CPF, SMU, Keppel Corp etc). Some recent talks and workshops that Bernice has conducted have dealt with the following topics: Parental Management Training, Emotional Resilience in Post-Covid Times, Supporting and Identifying Employees in Distress, and Combating Burn-out.
We welcome everyone who is interested in child psychology, children and adolescents’ mental health, or helping to bring out the best in others to join us for this online information session.
If you would like to know more about Child Psychology and Psychotherapy programmes or the preview, fill in the registration form below or contact us at

"One year from now, you’ll wish you started today."


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  • Date : June 29, 2022
  • Time : 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (UTC+8)
  • Reg. Deadline : June 29, 2022 12:00 am

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[Note: This event will be held on zoom. Attendee will get zoom meeting URL through email]